General Assembly

General Assembly is the highest Chamber’s authority. General Assemble can be ordinary and extraordinary. Members of the Chamber can participate in General Assembly through authorised representatives.

Ordinary General Assembly is convene by Chamber’s Presidium, not later than in the last day of Chamber’s bodies term. About date and place Chamber’s Presidium has to notify Chamber’s members at least 14 days before General Assembly session.

Extraordinary General Assembly is convene by Chamber’s Presidium from their initiative or for Main Council Auditing Commision or on request of the 1/5 of Chamber’s members. Authorities which convene Assembly must determine agenda of the session. Extraordinary General Assembly should be not later than 45 days since the date of convene request and debate only about cases from agenda, eventually about the matters which were submitted by Chamber’s Presidium.

In General Assembly participate representatives of the Chamber’s members and invited guests.

In the voting can participate only representatives which are authorized by Chamber’s members. Each member has one vote. General Assembly resolutions come into force by majority of votes.

General Assembly authorities:

  1. Resolving long-term programmes
  2. Choosing Chamber’s President, Main Council, Auditing Commision and Arbitration Commision
  3. Resolving regulations of General Assembly meetings , rules of representation in Main Council and election procedures to the Chamber’s bodies.
  4. Approving Main Council and Audting Commision reports and viewing Arbitration Commision raports.
  5. Giving graduation to the Main Council and Chamber’s Presidium on Auditing Commision proposal
  6. Resolving Chamber’s charter
  7. Taking resolutions about dissolve Chamber and about Chamber’s property
  8. Taking decisions in cases of cancellation Main Council resolution in case of exclusion Chamber memebr
  9. Taking resolutions in all other cases reserved by this charter to the General Assembly competition.