Chamber’s Presidium


  • President of the Chamber


  • Vice-president of the Chamber. Owner of NAT Import Export Leszek Cichocki Company


  • Vice-President of the Chamber. Memebr of the board of the WSK PZL WARSZAWA II company.


  • Secretary of the Chamber. Director in BEES-POL Company


  • Member. President of the board of Polish Aviation Factory

Małgorzata KRAŚNICKA

  • Memeber. Director in SOPRO Company

Bogusław KUPCZAK

  • Member. President of the KUPCZAK PRODUCTS Company

Presidum consist of 6 people who are chosen by Main Council, among their members, by usual majority of votes and of the Chamber’s President. Chamber’s Presidium coordinate Chamber’s activity and represnts it outside.
Chamber’s meetings which are beeing assemble called at least once in two months by Chamber’s President or one of the Vice-Presidents.

Expiration of the Presidium Member mandate takes place in case of:

  • resignation of the position
  • death
  • resignation of the membership in the Chamber
  • dismiss of the representative in Main Council by memebr company
  • other reasons described in statute

Expiration of the membership in the presidium must be confirmed by the Main Council’s resolution.
Chamber’s Presidium working rules and proceeding rules in specific cases are specified by regulations resolved by Main Council.

Chamber’s Presidium:

1. Execute Main Council and General Assembly resolutions
2. Gives opinions of projecting finance plans which are presented by Chamber’s President and put to Main Council for ratification.
3. Determine Chamber’s financial activity
4. Makes a decision on buying and selling properties
5. Resolves regulations of allowance founds
6. Appoint on Chamber’s President application , Consulting Council and definie rules of their activity
7. Examine complaints and proposals concering Chamber’s activity
8. Ratify on President proposal Chambers organisation structure
9. Prepares proposals and projects in all cases which are in the competence of Main Board
10. Appoint and dissolve permanent and ad hoc commisions, branch teams, councils, sections and others teams, inspect their activity, ratifies regulations, their Chairmen and memebers.
11. Taking decision on the President proposal in cases such as joining to existing or beeing establish with Chamber contribution companies, cooperatives, fundations and other organisations, include economical and public ones.
12. Undertakes resolutions in all cases which are not reserved for competition of other Chamber’s organs.